Friday, May 2, 2014

Anarchy on the Death Star

I really enjoy coming up with builds to feature my new items. Anarchy on the Death Star was a very quick build and  pretty easy to photograph. Total time for the build, photography and editing was a little under 2 hours.

Originally I was going to have more signage on the walls, but I was unable to fit everything I wanted to hang. This scene was entirely built to showcase the new Anarchy tiles so I wanted to make sure they were a prominent feature.

I  built just enough of the walls and corridor to cover what would be seen through the camera lens and the full size of the build is less than 32x32 studs. The final photo (above) is actually 3 photos combined together to accommodate the depth of field that I wanted in the photo. I have dealt with this type of photo before so I knew how I was going to need to photograph the scene and the corridor was built with this in mind.

The last items put up were the 2x2 tiles on the walls. After all the figures were positioned the tiles were placed accordingly.

Back of the build

Front of the build

The 3 original, uncorrected photos before they were combined:
mid ground



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